We get the Major Carriers to compete for your Employer Health Plan!
Self-Funded Exchange Marketplace
Enrolling for benefits online has never been easier or more efficient. With BIC’s Self-Funded Exchange technology, companies can enroll on-line quickly and easily. Applications are more complete the first time than ever before. One process, multiple carriers, full group risk analysis, and plan selection – you name it, we deliver.
Many Groups Deserve “Preferred Rates” But Never Ask How to Find Out if They Qualify! We Show You How! Through comprehensive analysis, expertise, and planning, we first provide a solid recommendation regarding the choice between fully-insured plans and self-funded plans. Once we know whether self-funding is the best option for you, we can engage in some simple strategic planning to be sure your benefits meet your budget needs, and are those your employees need.
Don’t let a lack of information leave you wondering if a better deal is out there. With the Self-Funded Exchange, we’ll gather the required information, perform analysis, and make a recommendation that you can count on!

Revolution Health Plans
Benefit Indemnity Corporation offers a wide range of innovative health benefit plans that can meet the needs of almost any size group. From small group, packaged, self-funded plans, to large group, fully customized designs, BIC can support broker and employer needs for innovative benefits and state of the art risk management.
Revolution Health Plans is an exclusive plan of Benefit Indemnity Corporation:
- Type of Plans Offered: Self-Funded Group Plans
- Offered in States: Everywhere except New York
(There are stop-loss insurance guidelines - some 26 and some 51 ) - Broker Contracting: Click Here to get started.

Health insurance benefits. It’s one of the most important things you manage for the employees of your company. At Aetna, their mission is to empower people to live healthier. And the pledge is simple: count on Aetna for health plans that help increase productivity while helping employees live healthier lives.
Building a healthier world by innovating to make health care simpler, easier, and more convenient; helping people achieve their best health, however, they define it.
Aetna Funding Advantage:
Save big on health care. With Aetna Funding Advantage your business can save up to 25 percent upfront. And you can still have a potential surplus in the long term. Aetna’s self-funding plan option offers:
- Access to the Aetna provider network and many of our wellness programs
- Fixed monthly payment options based on the health trends of your employees
- Turnkey administration by Aetna on one consolidated platform
- Savings potential that could be as high as 25 percent versus an ACA plan

Innovation Health Funding Advantage
Innovation Health is the result of a unique partnership between two industry leaders: Inova and Aetna. Inova is a nationally recognized not-for-profit health care system serving more than two million people each year. Aetna is one of the nation’s leading health care benefits companies serving over 22 million medical members. Together, the Aetna and Inova partnership is transforming the way health care is delivered — Innovation Health.
The vision is to re-engineer the system and not just fix this broken system, but actually build an insurance company that members feel good about. Let's focus on excellence, collaboration, innovation, affordability, and accountability.
Together, Aetna, and Inova are taking a new approach to the way health care is offered. With this innovative partnership, these two industry leaders aim to provide more efficient and effective patient care at a more affordable cost. By joining the right medical professionals with the right technology, patients receive the benefit of quality, personalized health care.
Aetna® & Benefit Indemnity Corporation:
- Types of Plans Offered: Self-Funded Group Plans thru Aetna Funding Advantage (AFA) and Innovation Health Funding Advantage (IHFA)
- Offered in States: AFA can be written in most states, however the broker must be located in MD, DC or VA to use BIC as the General Agent. IHFA is a powerful option available only in Northern VA.
- Broker Contracting: Click Here to get started.

A United Group Programs, Inc. Brand
United Group Programs, Inc. (UGP) specializes in the design, communication, and administration of employee benefits and specialty ancillary programs through the exclusive product line called OptiMed.
OptiMed offers numerous benefits plans and services to the employer. For more detailed information about OptiMed's services and benefit plans, contact Benefit Indemnity Corporation today.
OptiMed™ & Benefit Indemnity Corporation:
- Type of Plans Offered: Gap Coverage, Limited Medical, other Worksite Options, and MORE.
- Offered in States: Everywhere except: AK, CT, MA, MN, MT, NH, NJ, NY, ND, UT, WA
- Broker Contracting: Click Here to get started.

All Savers® Health Plans and Services
For the health of your business
Plans that don’t break the bank. All Savers® plans were designed to keep the cost of health care low. All Savers® offers a variety of plans as traditional insurance or self-insurance, depending on your state. To learn more about the plans available to you, visit the All Savers® Health Plans and Services page.
All Savers® & Benefit Indemnity Corporation:
- Type of Plans Offered: Self-Funded Group Plans
- Offered in States: MD, VA, DC, PA, DE, TX, FL, NC, MO, and CO
- Broker Contracting: Click Here to get started.